What Is Church Planting?

Church Planting
Church Planting from www.scbo.org


Church planting refers to the process of establishing a new church or congregation from scratch. It is a vital aspect of evangelism and discipleship, where believers reach out to others within their communities and beyond, bringing the gospel of Christ to those who have not yet heard it. In this article, we will explore the concept of church planting, its purpose, and how it is carried out.

The Purpose of Church Planting

The primary goal of church planting is to fulfill the great commission, which was given by Jesus Christ to His disciples in Matthew 28:19-20. This commission involves making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commanded. Church planting is a means of achieving this goal, as it involves establishing new churches in areas where there is little or no gospel presence.

The Process of Church Planting

Church planting involves several stages, including evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development. The first stage is evangelism, where believers reach out to their communities and share the gospel of Christ. This may involve personal evangelism, street evangelism, or hosting outreach events. The second stage is discipleship, where new believers are taught the fundamentals of the Christian faith and are nurtured in their spiritual growth. This may involve one-on-one discipleship, small group Bible studies, or discipleship classes. The third stage is leadership development, where potential leaders are identified, trained, and equipped to lead new churches. This may involve mentoring, coaching, or formal training programs.

The Benefits of Church Planting

Church planting offers several benefits to both believers and the community. It provides a platform for evangelism and discipleship, where new believers can grow in their faith and mature into spiritual leaders. It also brings the gospel of Christ to areas where there is little or no gospel presence, providing hope and salvation to those who are lost. Church planting also has a positive impact on the community, as it provides a place for worship, fellowship, and service. It promotes unity, love, and compassion, which are essential values in any community.

The Challenges of Church Planting

Church planting is not without its challenges. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. It also involves financial resources, as establishing a new church requires funding for facilities, equipment, and staffing. Another challenge is cultural barriers, as different cultures may have different beliefs and practices that may not necessarily align with the Christian faith. This requires sensitivity, patience, and adaptability on the part of church planters.

The Role of Church Planters

Church planters play a critical role in the process of church planting. They are responsible for evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development, and must have a heart for the lost, a passion for the gospel, and a willingness to serve. They must also have the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their responsibilities effectively. This includes communication skills, leadership skills, and theological training.

The Future of Church Planting

Church planting is a vital aspect of the church's mission, and its importance will continue to grow in the future. As the world becomes more diverse and multicultural, the need for new churches that can reach out to different communities will become more critical. The future of church planting will involve greater collaboration and partnership between churches, denominations, and organizations. It will also involve the use of technology and social media to reach a broader audience and share the gospel of Christ.


In conclusion, church planting is a critical aspect of the church's mission. It provides a platform for evangelism, discipleship, and leadership development, and brings the gospel of Christ to areas where there is little or no gospel presence. While it comes with its challenges, the benefits far outweigh them, and the future of church planting is bright.

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