What Is Brake Checking?

What to Look For When Checking Brakes Reader's Digest Canada
What to Look For When Checking Brakes Reader's Digest Canada from www.readersdigest.ca

The Basics of Brake Checking

Brake checking is a term used to describe a deliberate action taken by a driver to abruptly stop their vehicle in front of another vehicle. This action is often taken as a form of retaliation against another driver who has offended them in some way while on the road. Brake checking is a dangerous and illegal maneuver that can lead to accidents and injuries.

Why Do People Brake Check?

There are a variety of reasons why a driver may choose to brake check another vehicle. Some drivers may do it as a way to express their anger or frustration towards another driver who they feel has cut them off or been rude on the road. Others may do it as a way to teach another driver a lesson or to retaliate against them for something they did.

The Dangers of Brake Checking

Brake checking is an extremely dangerous maneuver that can lead to serious accidents and injuries. When a driver slams on their brakes suddenly, the vehicle behind them may not have enough time to react and could crash into the back of their car. Additionally, brake checking can cause other drivers to swerve or lose control of their vehicle, further increasing the risk of accidents.

What to Do if Someone Brake Checks You

If you find yourself the victim of a brake check, it's important to remain calm and avoid reacting aggressively. Swerving, honking, or flashing your lights can escalate the situation and increase the risk of an accident. Instead, try to slow down and maintain a safe distance from the other vehicle.

How to Avoid Brake Checking

The best way to avoid becoming the victim of a brake check is to be a courteous and defensive driver. Avoid tailgating, cutting off other drivers, or engaging in aggressive behavior on the road. If you do find yourself in a situation where another driver is driving aggressively towards you, try to remain calm and avoid engaging with them.

The Legal Consequences of Brake Checking

Brake checking is not only dangerous but also illegal. In many states, it is considered reckless driving and can result in fines, points on your license, and even jail time. If you are caught brake checking another driver, you could face serious legal consequences.


In conclusion, brake checking is a dangerous and illegal maneuver that should be avoided at all costs. If you find yourself the victim of a brake check, remain calm and avoid reacting aggressively. If you are tempted to brake check another driver, remember that it's not worth the risk of causing an accident or facing legal consequences. Safe and courteous driving is always the best approach on the road.

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